Landscape Strategies Laboratory
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Logistical Strategies

Landscape Strategy: Diminish Air Pollution, excerpt from Inland Ports: The Good Neighbor Drawn by: Zoey Wang, MLA ‘17; Grant Penfield-Haugen, MLA ‘17; Atyeh Ashtari, MLA ‘17, MUP ‘19

Landscape Strategy: Diminish Air Pollution, excerpt from Inland Ports: The Good Neighbor
Drawn by: Zoey Wang, MLA ‘17; Grant Penfield-Haugen, MLA ‘17; Atyeh Ashtari, MLA ‘17, MUP ‘19

Logistical Strategies

Date: 2016-Ongoing
Location: North America
Funding: Department of Landscape Architecture Wadsworth Endowment Grant; Design Research Initiative, College of Fine and Applied Arts, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

The Logistical Strategies research area develops landscape strategies that help offset the negative environmental impacts of warehousing, port, and infrastructure development.